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a life of a prairie crocus (3 piece)

Regular price $0.00 CAD
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miyuki beads on linen, framed
19.25"W x 35.25"H x 1.5"W

Prairie Crocus Stills is a series of beadings used to create the beaded animation Miyoskamiki - when spring comes. The Prairie Crocus is one of the first signs of spring, my ancestors used to interpret these beings as indicators of the winter ending to start planning for their move to the spring camp. My not-so-distant relatives interpreted the rise of the Prairie Crocus as a sign that planting season was not far away. We have lost touch with reading our landscapes, of listening to the beings around us telling us what’s coming. Miyoskamiki - when spring comes is a reminder that the earth still tell us what we need to know. I practice beadwork to think through and build connections through the slow gestural movement of tacking a stitch. I bead to connect with my ancestors and my maternal family, as well as honour our relations in the plant and animal world.

View animation here.

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